Salute to Spouses Blog

We're excited to be blogging about the latest topics in military life. We want to keep you informed on topics such as current events, education, career advice, etc. Feel free to post comments or questions to any of our entries.
The College Spouse: To Read or Not to Read, That is the Question

I love to crawl up on the couch and bury my head in a good book.

I don’t want to spend an arm or leg for the book though! My closet is filled with dusty books and textbooks that I no longer have a use for. I bet if I calculated the value of the whole stack, I could take my family on a Disneyland vacation. 

When I saw how much my books were going to cost this year, I nearly passed out. I thought, “there has to be a solution to this madness” – and there is. I searched the internet and came across these useful websites:

Travel, Travel, Travel!!

Look around slowly, children. Soak it in. Remember this. You may never see this again.

I wanted to say that over and over again to my kids last week as we explored the island of Hawaii. We saw oodles of waterfalls, splashed on black sand beaches, ooh’d and ahh’d as giant, green sea turtles slipped into the bright blue water.

There is a lot that is inconvenient about military life. The PCS moves thousands of miles from home can be terrifying and difficult. But those same far flung locales are also the memories our kids will cherish for decades.

Deployment Soundtrack: I'm Still Standing

   I'm Still Standing

        Elton John, 1983

          Preview Song

I am sure that by now you can tell how my life is going by what I write. I think that is the point of this blog.

So it should be no surprise when I tell you that the last couple of weeks have been a chaotic mess! My saving grace is a sweet group of ladies that I can truly call my friends!

Homefront Spouse: Play dates: Moms benefit too

Before I was a mom, I thought a stay at home mom’s day was full of play dates and happy hours (I was clueless and watched a lot of reality shows). How fun did that sound?

Reality hit me hard when I had my first baby. I was lucky if I showered before 9 p.m. every other day - let alone leave the house with a newborn for the first four months. He was up all night and slept all day.  And honestly, what could a newborn do on a play date?

The College Spouse: A Simple Lesson on Saving, from a Second Grader

Fall semester is here and I’m totally not ready for this.  When we PCS to a new city I have to spend hours looking for new schools for my children and myself. This is not how I want to spend my time when there is so much that needs to be done during a move.

List shows, Bryant & Stratton College Online is a good choice

The toughest part of going back to school may be choosing the school.

There are a lot of colleges vying for the plentiful GI Bill dollars that service members and their spouses are entitled to.

There are a lot of promises made, and a lot of deals that seem just too good to be true.

Rest assured, Bryant & Stratton College is the real deal.

The school is once again on the list of Military Friendly Schools published annually by Victory Media and G.I. Jobs Magazine.

Deployment Soundtrack: Don't Stop Believin' 3.0

 Don’t Stop Believin’

            Journey, 1981

            Preview Song

My alarm went off at 4 a.m. That is an hour earlier than normal and it was Saturday.

There are so many things wrong with that last sentence, that I don’t even know where to begin. Today is the big day. I have trained. I have hydrated. Most importantly, I have picked out the perfect outfit.

Homefront Spouse: Time at home is a gift

I must admit, I feel a little guilty starting this whole blogging thing, especially writing about my “domestic deployment”.

For the last five years all we have known is deployments, working up for deployments or training for them.  Currently, my husband is going through a 10-month-long career level school. Everyone says its great family time. Don’t get me wrong, he works his normal long hours and has hours of homework, reading and term paper writing each night and on the weekend. But regardless of the long hours, he’s still home.

The College Spouse: Wife, mom, student – it’s all in the breathing

The best advice I can give you, is to breathe.

I know it may sound kind of simple, but with all the hustle and bustle I do before 6:30 a.m., sometimes if I don't stop and take even a five-second breath I will literally pass out. As a spouse, mom and student, let’s just say every minute of free time is precious to me. I try to keep the same routine and manage my time but there's always going to be a day when time is not going to be your friend. I have them and I know most moms do too.

Beware, reporters are everywhere!

To be fair, the command sergeant major did say he was available for questions.

He probably didn't count on having a spouse in the audience who was also a reporter.

At the Signal Corps Ball last week, the guest speaker, a command sergeant major, addressed the crowd and offered to answer questions afterwards. When he did, I leaned into my husband and said, ‘I’m going in’. He sighed and said, “I know.”


For Military Spouses
Apply for the Salute to Spouses scholarship today and begin your education! You’ll be on the way to your dream career.

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